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how to fix the law value content issue of google adsense

how to fix the law value content issue of google adsense  Hello friends, in today's article I am going to tell you about how to fix an error of google adsense by which your website is rejected or not low value content.  As I told you that low value content is a website issue which is given from google adsense if there are some shortcomings in your website.  In today's time almost every adsense publisher has to see the website issue of Adsense low value content.  And because of this many people are not able to get google adsense approval, they are not able to connect their blog to adsense.  Today I will tell you many ways which will help you to overcome l ow value content issue and get google adsense approval.  If I tell in simple language , then google adsense gives you the issue of low value content only when the content present on your website is not needed by the users at present or Google already has content in that particular topic.  In this ...

What is Personal Blog? Personal blogging complete guide

  What is Personal Blog?  Personal blogging complete guide   Friends, in today's article, I am going to give you the complete card to start a personal blog or not, first of all, know these points closely to start a personal blog.  1. What is a personal blog?  2. How to Write a Personal Blog  3. What are the types of personal blog?  4. How to earn money in personal blog?  1. What is a personal blog?  Your personal blog is a running diary written by a particular person.  And if you are writing personal blog yourself, then you will be called a writer of personal block.  2. How to write a personal blog?  First of all, you have to change a good hosting and top level domain and add it to the same blogger or wordpress.  And a great WordPress or Blogger theme is to be used which is user friendly.  And after all these things, you have to present a good content in front of your users.  3. What are the types of persona...

How to reduce google adsense approval time? How to get Adsense approval in 24 hours

How to reduce google adsense approval time?  How to get Adsense approval in 24 hours  Hello friends  Today's article is mostly for beginners new bloggers who are facing problem in getting Google Adsense Approval.   How much is google adsense approval time?  Friends, usually the Google Adsense team takes a week or two to review your website.  Friends, almost all of you have applied for Google Adsense.  But your website is not being reviewed by the team of Google Adsense.   So you cannot say that your website is not yet worthy of Google Adsense.  Friends, usually the team of Google Adsense takes two to three weeks to review your website in which it approves/disapproves your website.  But there are some occasions which are quite rare means that your website takes more than two to three weeks through Google Adsense.  This is because Google Adsense's Minimum Requirements and Policies are not being filled by your website, whereas Google...

Best google site ranking factors || The Complete Guide to Getting Rankings in Google

Best google site ranking factors ||  The Complete Guide to Getting Rankings in Google  Best google site ranking factors ||  The Complete Guide to Getting Rankings in Google  Hello friends, in this article I am going to give you a complete guide to get rankings in google .   Friends, getting rakings  in google is as difficult as you think, it is actually not that difficult.  Friends, Google's search engine always wants to share new content with its new users.    If you fill this wish or requirement of google.  So google gets the reason that it should give your written article in the top rankings of google .  Friends, as I told you that you have to somehow convince the bots , of google that the content written by you is completely user friendly and at the same time it is also useful.   17 google site ranking factors ||  17 points to get ranking in google    Write article on recent topic.   Use User Frien...